Dr. Kshama Talwar is MD in the field of Dermatology with special interest in aesthetic and cosmetic dermatology.
Doctor Kshama did her graduation MBBS From MAMC medical college Agroha. After graduation She completed her post graduation in dermatology from Rohtak medical college , Haryana.
Doctor Kshama Talwar is engaged in private practice in Dermatology from 2012. She is also a teaching faculty at HIND institute of Medical sciences, Safeadabad, Lucknow. Doctor Kshama Talwar is currently an associate professor at the medical college with 2 post graduate students in Dermatology every year.
Doctor Kshama has a special interest in aesthetic Dermatology And specialises in aesthetic and cosmetic procedures like thread lift , Dermal fillers injections and botox therapy. She also heads the laser department at Talwar Skin Centre and supervises Laser treatment procedures at the clinic.
Doctor Kshama Talwar is also an active academician and has multiple research papers to her credit. She has also authored multiple textbook chapters including ACSI textbook of dermatosurgery and IADVL textbook of Dermatology.
Dr Kshama Talwar has also held various posts at city and state level in Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists ( IADVL). She was the joint secretary, UP -UK state branch of IADVL, 2021.