Frequently asked questions
What causes acne? What is the reason for acne?
Acne is usually caused due to clogging of the pores of the skin by keratotic substances. This usually happens due to the action of certain hormones like testosterone which causes increase in sebum production from the oil/ sebaceous glands. The excess oil or sebum leads to the growth of propionibacterium acnes bacteria which produces so called acne.
Which areas of the body are affected by acne?
Acne is most commonly seen over the face which is involved in 90% patients. The back is also a common site for acne and maybe involved in 60% of the patients. Chest involvement maybe seen in 15% people.

How does acne look like?
The initial presentation of acne is as a small whitish or blackish coloured bump known as a white head or a blackhead. Later on the acne may become more painful and the patient may develop red bumps which may become filled with pus. In severe cases nodules and cysts may be seen which is known as nodulocystic acne.
Does diet affect acne? What precautions need to be taken in the diet if I have acne?
There is no proven correlation of diet with acne. Some studies have shown that milk and dairy products may cause aggravation of acne. However this has not been conclusively proven and most patients with acne can safely consume any food items. Contrary to the popular myth that eating chocolate will aggravate acne, there is no such conclusive evidence for the same.
What is the usual age for starting of acne?
Acne is usually seen in the teenagers. However it may start at any age from the age of 9 years. It may also be seen in adults after the age of 30 which is known as adult acne.
Can I use makeup if I have acne?
It is better to avoid heavy makeup if you have acne since makeup will cause clogging of the pores and me increase the tendency to develop new pimples. However a light makeup can be worn if necessary.
Can stress lead to the development of acne?
Yes stress is a common underlying factor for development or aggravation of pre-existing acne. Stress causes the release of certain hormones which enhance the tendency for pimples.
What face wash should I use if I have acne?
Face washes which reduce the production of oil from the face are generally prescribed for patients of acne. These include face washes containing tea tree oil or salicylic acid or glycolic acid based face washes.
What are the creams that are used for the treatment of acne?
Depending on the type of acne your treating Dermatologist may prescribe you antibiotic creams which make contain clindamycin or nadifloxacin. Patients with oily skin may be prescribed creams to reduce the oil secretion which contain retinoids like adapalene or tretinoin. Patients with inflammatory acne may have to use benzoyl peroxide based creams.
What are the oral antibiotics that are available for acne?
Depending on the type of acne the common antibiotics which are used at the tetracycline group of antibiotics which may include drugs like doxycycline, minocycline and lymecycline. The Other set of antibiotics which a commonly used are the macrolide group of antibiotics like Azithromycin or roxythromycin.
What is isotretinoin and when is it used?
Isotretinoin is a very effective drug for the treatment of moderate to severe acne. It acts by reducing the sebum and oil production from the sebaceous glands and prevents any clogging of pores of the skin. It is a derivative of vitamin A.
Can Chemical peeling be used for acne?
Chemical peeling is a very effective treatment for Rapid reduction of acne. The various types of chemical peels that are available are glycolic acid based peels and salicylic acid based peels. Chemical peels also reduce any associated acne marks and prevent scarring following new pimples.
Does squeezing of acne prevent new pimples from developing?
Squeezing of acne pimples will lead to the development of ugly pigmentation marks and may even cause scarring over the face. Patients with acne are strictly told to avoid any squeezing of their pimples.
Does exposure to sunlight aggravate acne?
Sunlight usually does not have any correlation with acne . However it may increase the propensity to develop any marks following the resolution of acne.