What are biologics treatment for psoriasis?
Biologics are a new strong class of medications that are used for the treatment of Psoriasis. These medicines have been available since 2003 but since they were very expensive before they were not very widely used. Hyva in the past 5 to 7 years the cost of this treatment has come down and as a result these are used more widely.
How do biologics differ from the standard treatment of Psoriasis?
Biologics differ from Standard treatment in that the target the route cause of Psoriasis by blocking the inflammation process in the body. They Act at a very basic molecular level and does are more effective in the treatment of disease.
What sort of Psoriasis can be treated with biologics?
Biologics are effective in all types of Psoriasis. However this treatment is usually reserved for patients with moderate to severe psoriasis. These are also very effective in psoriatic Arthritis when the joints are involved by psoriasis.
How are biologics given?
Biologicals are usually given as injections. These injections may be given intravenous or subcutaneously.
How long do biologics require to act?
Benefits of biologic treatment is seen generally within 2 weeks of initiation of treatment. Maximum benefit is seen after 12 to 16 weeks of starting the treatment.
What are the tests that are required before starting biologics treatment?
Basic blood test is required before starting treatment with biologics. These include a complete blood count , a liver function test, and kidney function test. Also tests to Rule out any underlying infection like hepatitis or tuberculosis or urinary tract infection is necessary before starting treatment.
Do biologics offer a permanent cure for psoriasis?
Unfortunately biologics DO NOT offer a permanent cure for psoriasis. However these are remarkably effective medications and may reduce any flares of the disease that may be seen. Biologics also target the internal inflammatory process and may prevent any related health conditions like joint disease or cardiovascular disease or Diabetes.
How long the biologic treatment needs to be continued for a patient with psoriasis?
Just like any other treatment for psoriasis that biologics need to be continued for a long duration. The frequency of administration of injections and the dose of injection decreases over time as the disease reduces in intensity.
What are the side effects of treatment with biologics?
The risk of Biologics treatment is reactivation of any latent infection in the body. Importantly in Indian patients it may increase the risk of developing tuberculosis. It may also lead to the development of upper respiratory tract infection or urinary tract infection.
What are the different biologics that are available for treatment of Psoriasis in India?
The different biologics available for treatment are classified according to their mode of action. The available biologics include TNF Alpha inhibitors like a ADALIMUMAB, INFLIXIMAB and ETANERCEPT. The second category of biologics include IL 17 inhibitors like SECUKINUMAB and IXEKIZUMAB.
Is biologic treatment very expensive?
Biologic treatment is usually more expensive than the standard medications for psoriasis. However the cost of this treatment has come down in recent years and has become much more affordable to the patient. The exact cost depends on the type of biologic chosen. You may contact local Dermatologist for exact pricing.