At Talwar Skin Beauty & Laser Institute in Indira Nagar, Lucknow, we offer a wide range of dermatology treatments which includes general dermatology and cosmetology services.
Here are some of the common dermatological problems which we can treat effectively and have gained expertise in. Have a look.

Acne, scientifically known as acne vulgaris, is a skin condition which begins when clogging of your skin pores occur because of excess oil and dead skin cells. It is also known as pimples, zits, whiteheads, blackheads and blemishes. A person has a mild form of acne, if he/she develops just a few red spots, or pimples. Severe acne can give you a large number of pimples that can cover your face, neck, chest, and back. Severe acne can be solid, bigger, red lumps which are extremely painful.

Melasma is a skin problem which occurs as brown patches on the face of adults. Usually, both sides of the face get affected. Forehead, cheeks, bridge of nose, and upper lip are the most common areas where Melasma develops. Out of total number of Melasma patients, only 10% of those affected are men. Dark-skinned races, especially Indians and Asians, tend to have Melasma more than others.

Psoriasis is a common skin disease that affects almost 1% of total world population. There are no tools or blood tests available to diagnose psoriasis. If you develop symptoms of psoriasis or any other skin disease then you should visit the expert dermatologist at Talwar clinic immediately. Some of the common areas affected in psoriasis elbows, are knees, back and scalp. The disease can be cured by proper medicines, but needs long term maintenance.

Skin Allergy – Urticaria
In Urticaria skin condition, red swollen patches which are extremely itchy, develop on the skin. This skin problem can occur on any part of the body. Some of these patches may remain in the body from 1 to 24 hours. Allergy, drugs, food additives, infection etc are some of the main reasons behind occurrence of this skin condition. The disease can be cured with the help of oral anti allergy medications, which are administered by expert dermatologist.

Dark Circles
From time to time, almost everyone suffers from the problem of dark circles under their eyes. Generally, under eye dark circles are temporary and don’t post a major medical concern. Under-eye dark circles start in the capillaries, which are small blood vessels that cover the fragile skin around the eyes. Quite often, red blood cells lose their way and wander into the surrounding skin. After haemoglobin breaks down, its constituents develop a dark blue-black colour which is quite similar to a bruise. In reality under-eye dark circles occur due to leaky capillaries.

Stretch Marks
Stretch marks are a type of skin scarring with an off-colour hue, caused due to tearing of the dermis. Over a period of time, stretch marks can diminish, but won’t disappear completely. Stretch marks occur due to rapid skin stretching, which is related to pregnancy or rapid growth (in puberty) or weight gain which overlaps the elasticity of the dermis. When the skin is pulled by rapid stretching or growth then stretch marks appear on the body. Skin is quite elastic, but when it’s overstretched then the usual production of collagen is disturbed, which results in scars known as stretch marks.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic skin disease which is the main cause behind the occurrence of severe dandruff. In this skin problem, the scalp becomes covered heavily with dry red patches. Ears, nose and genitals are some of the other organs affected due to this disease. Pityrosporum ovale is another cause behind the occurrence of dandruff. On the outer surface of the scalp, inflammation and formation of small blisters occur due these germs that result in the shedding of the skin flakes.