Laser hair removal is a simple and very effective technique for near permanent reduction of unwanted hair. Laser hair reduction requires 6 to 8 sessions for near permanent hair reduction. The procedure of laser hair reduction is generally very quick and the entire procedure Over the face can be performed in 30 minutes. The procedure of laser hair reduction is largely painless and most patients report only slight heat or warm sensation during the procedure.
We have 4 different technologies for laser hair reduction depending upon the colour and the thickness of the unwanted hair.
The various Technologies for laser hair reduction that we perform at Talwar Skin Centre are:
- Diode Laser ( ALMA SOPRANO LASER) for thin black hair
- Nd: Yag laser 1064nm ( FOTONA SP DYNAMIS) for dark thick hair
- Triple wavelength laser for Body hair
- IPL ( Harmony by ALMA) for fine hairs
In general effective hair reduction of more than 90% unwanted hair requires 6 to 8 sessions. Unwanted hairs over body areas like underarms and pubic areas ( bikini area laser removal) generally require lesser number of sessions because they are slow growing.
The procedure can be performed in any age group above the age of 15 years. The cost of procedure depends upon the area That needs to be treated with laser and number of sessions that are required.